If you’ve read this blog’s article on decision fatigue you might want to learn more. Here are some of the interesting resources I found on the web that are a good starting point.
This 2011 article Do You Suffer from Decision Fatigue from the New York Times Magazine is written by one of the co-authors of Willpower. If you don’t want to read the book, the article explains the relevant research and findings relating to decision fatigue.
Another article – Why do We Make Worse Decisions at the End of the Day – summarizes the concept quite well. It also lists the scholarly research at the end if you’re interested in following it up.
gives an overview of how leaders tackle decision fatigue and their decision-making.
Decision Fatigue doesn’t affect just lawyers. There are research articles on the effects of decision fatigue on:
If you’re a minimalist or intrigued by it, you might want to see how minimalism can help you make better decisions.
James Clear, author of Atomic Habits and guru of self-improvement and productivity, has an informative article on how willpower works and how to avoid bad decisions. (You can bypass the newsletter subscription and still get to the article, but I recommend subscribing to his newsletter. It’s once a week, short and inspirational)
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